To be Published in Fall 2018:
The first series of String Quartet Excerpt Book (SQEB) is for Viola. SQEB, for Viola is geared for violists whether they are just learning the string quartet repertoire for the first time, and designed for teachers and professionals who have known the repertoire for years.
From my in-person interviews with detail note taking and audio recording, SQEB, for Viola will supply quotes, fingering and bowing suggestions, and tips from renowned quartet violists such as Michael Tree (Guarneri), William Preucil (Founder Violist of Stradivari), Misha Amory (Brentano), and Martha Katz (Founder Violist of Cleveland) to name a few.
The String Quartet Excerpt Book, for Viola, grants violists with the guide for preparing a quartet piece for school, summer camp, an audition, for private study or professional violists for studio teaching.
Please contact Stephanie Price for more information.